Thursday, April 23, 2009

View From the Tree House:

T.A. in T.W.:(Today's American in Today's World)
"It’s been a privilege for us to hear you sing” one of the judges on Britain’s Got Talent concludes with this comment after hearing Susan Boyle. She cut to the chase however, about the audience and herself being judgmentally cynical beforehand. “Is Susan Boyle ugly? Or are we?” asks essayist Tanya Gold in Britain’s The Guardian. The quote was referred to by Maria Puente in USA Today, Monday, April 20th. .

More penetrating questions have emerged as the result of Susan, 47, blowing everyone away with her beautiful voice. The author of the article begins with, “what’s that all about?’ She continues: “Is the unabashed hysteria about Susan a psychological boost for a world battered by economic calamity? Is it a spiritual moment for millions in search of transcendence? Maybe it’s about rooting for the underdog. Or maybe it’s just a new reminder of an old truism: You can’t judge a book by its cover.”

Interesting how Maria, ends with a quote from Rahn Hasbargen, who cites John 7:24: “Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.”

“Never has that verse been explained more dramatically than in the case of Susan Boyle.”, he says.

Never? Only in the most astonishing life that’s ever been lived. Let the words of Isaiah 53 reveal His identity:

“He has no stately form or majesty
That we should look upon Him,
Nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him.
He was despised and forsaken of men,
A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief;
And like one from whom men hide their face
He was despised, and we did not esteem Him
Surely our griefs He Himself bore,
And our sorrows He carried;
Yet we ourselves esteemed Him stricken,
Smitten of God, and afflicted.
But He was pierced through for our transgressions,
He was crushed for our iniquities;
The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him,
And by His scourging we are healed.
All of us like sheep have gone astray,
Each of us has turned to his own way;
But the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all
To fall on Him.


PUP: (People Under Pressure)
I’m getting a CT Scan this a.m. It was such a privilege to have the prep and CT scan done in our local hospital. People have been incredibly kind and personable and we are so appreciative. Test results show that my platelets (not the small spheres you use for salads!) are low, so the doctor suggested that we wait another week before we begin the 5th in the regimen. The scan showed that the cyst around my spleen has diminished in size. It is either a hematoma or fluid from the cancer.


God-sighting: Simply Spectacular: I couldn’t believe it-a field of bluebells! One of my favorite flowers and God put many in our wooded area within easy view of the tree-house! Absolutely beautiful!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

View From the Treehouse

T.A. in T.W. (Today's American in Today's World

“An ‘Easter’ surprise at sea” was the stunning headline from USA Today the day after Easter morning. It certainly makes the $50 hid in an Easter egg at our neighbor’s home pale in comparison, doesn’t it? As elated as an adult son or daughter may have been over money sought, not earned, how much the news heard around the world about the navy snipers rescuing a ‘heroic’ captain thrilled people. Curious to me is how the article praises the courage of many involved and the “humility” of the captain as he risked his life for his crew. In the article, Phillips was quoted as saying, “. I’m just the byline. The real heroes are the Navy, the SEALs, those who have brought me home.”

Does the heroism and the humility remind you of another Easter surprise- I so hope it does because the ‘surprise at sea’ pales in comparison! His heroism?- that God knew we could not have a right relationship with Him unless we repented of our sins and received the gift of His Son. He died on that cruel cross but was resurrected. The captain risked his life for his crew, Our Saviour gave His life for any who would receive Him. His humility? “He came not to be served, but to serve and give His life a ransom for many. Please do not miss this as His Resurrection has been celebrated.” - He is the only One who can bring us to an eternal home in heaven, as well as shepherd our lives here on earth!

How did we celebrate? We rejoiced together with those who chose to acknowledge that Jesus Christ Who gave His life in total humility for ours, was far beyond worthy to praise and rejoice in. Then we were invited to join with a family who had all ages represented.
What a joy and a delight. God gave and gives and gives.
How did you all celebrate Resurrection?

P.U.P (People Under Pressure)
When the nurse was setting up to give me the infusion of taxitere and Gemsar, she explained to the IWC student nurse that they have special tubing for the taxitere because it eats through the regular tubing! That gave me pause and so I asked her, what about the tubing in my body? She looked at me and simply shook her head like ‘sobering isn’t it’? No wonder a friend who also has cancer, said to me “I have all the symptoms of a detox patient!”

And wouldn’t you know this infusion reminds me of last years. I took a nap and melded with the bed. Not a good symptom especially as I was having familiar pains in the abdomen. I thought of the song, “he’s a mean one Mr. Grinch! A friend had invited us to use their hot tub, so after 3 ibuprofen and 45 minutes in hot water I did feel better! The adventure continues-I’m so thankful that all this rig-a-ma-role is available and so thankful for the encouragements and prayers we’ve received.

But I want you to know that I’m getting more nutrition conscious and have actually eaten asparagus! Now unless you know me, that is like, so what? Folks, I have not liked asparagus. It would be the last thing I would eat other than sawdust and dirt! A friend and I are giving it a 6 week test simply because it is good for us. If it’s made a difference in test results, then we’ll continue-but she likes asparagus and I’m holding my nose to get it down! So do I deserve kudos or sympathy- which?

Q: “What is the heart of groceries? A: an artichoke (get it?) I would love to see your smile!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

View from the treehouse T.W. (Today’s American in Today’s World)

The headlines read, “Iowa Supreme Court strikes down gay marriage ban” making Iowa the third state in the nation where same-sex marriage will be legal. This article from the Mt. Pleasant News of Friday, April 3, 2009 shakes some foundational principles doesn’t it? First of all, where in the constitution does the court have the power to make law, upon what worldview are they basing their redefinition of marriage, and what about the vote of the common people?

30 years ago our Judeo-Christian values, made firm our definition of marriage, for it was instituted and given purpose and meaning by God. To redefine it is a matter of human pride or self-exultation for it flies in the face of the One who made us and knows that, “He who sins against Me, injures himself.”

A friend was talking about this court ruling and his wife said, “I think we should just let them do what they want to do.” Soon we were discussing the aids pandemic in Africa and I said that so many of them choose not to admit that aids is transmitted by sexual contact. Therefore, they choose not to admit that abstinence is the ultimate answer. This friend then said, “People will believe what they want to!” Within a matter of a few minutes she had verbally and succinctly nailed her humanistic worldview. “Everyone did what was right in their own eyes” the Bible warns. We in our beloved nation are seeing and living with the chaotic actions that result!

Have you contacted your legislator about bringing the Marriage Amendment to the forefront to be voted on? Remember also, that our Governor, in a televised news conference last year, promised to protect marriage. Let’s see if he keeps his promise. If we don’t say something, we agree with the legislators, the court, and our governor. Are we concerned about the power that’s being wielded throughout government? Do we act like it?
At the same time, we know our Heavenly Father has the ultimate power and really only He can be trusted and relied upon. With His grace and love in action, we must never give up. We're just in God's "waiting room", aren't we? (See pups entry!)

Pup: (People Under Pressure)

The doctor informed us that a regimen of 4-6 infusions is normal. That’s why he suggested that we may stop after the 4th infusion and become part of a trial group. As in most trials, half of the group is given a placebo and half the chemical. So after the fourth series of chemo I’ll be tested as to whether the present chemo has diminished the cyst on my spleen. Then we all will determine what route seems most logical!

When I need to wait for the next chemo infusion and I need to forget that I’m tired of being tired, and I want to get this over with, or when I wait to determine a course of action regarding the therapy, it’s so helpful to remember that it’s God’s waiting room that I’m in or that Warren & I are in. He knows what He’s doing and I need to trust His character as I see people and go through circumstances with His perspective. Oh, to have my Father’s eyes in His waiting room.

It reminds me that in this pictured waiting room, I met several delightful people with whom I’ve begun an e-mail relationship. They have been praying for us! What an encouragement from what had been total strangers and certainly something only God could have brought about! The less I see with my own myopic eyes, the more I see and enjoy with His!

A nurse friend of ours suggested that I buy some sugar-free packets of Crystal-lite to have on the counter each morning according to the number of glasses of water that I should drink. That would help me know how much water I’ve had and also give me a little taste treat!