Sunday, February 7, 2010

It's February, but you wouldn't know it was southern Iowa. We have snow and expect many inches in a couple of days! Of necessity, our attention however has been captured by physical impairments along with the beauty of snow cover!

Warren writes the first letter concerning our current condition:

#1. Written in late January
Greetings to you all,

I am writing this note to update each one of you on Betty’s current condition. I think all of you are aware that two years ago she was operated on for a malignancy in her uterus. At that time it was already metastatic in her abdomen. We were told at that time that the long-term prognosis was rather grim. They gave Betty six months to five years to live depending on the success of treatment. We are now out two years from the time of surgery and the last month and a half has been quite difficult. She has been losing her appetite for the last several weeks and at Christmas she began developing some abdominal pain and bowel problems. These symptoms came and went over the next two weeks. Finally about one week after New Year's she became distended and unable to eat. Evaluation revealed a bowel instruction and treatment with a nasogastric tube, that's a tube placed through her nose down into her stomach, seemed to resolve the problem. After about seven days in the hospital she was able to eat and was feeling well and was discharged home. She did well for about two days and then developed abdominal pain, inability to move her bowels, and abdominal distention again. She was readmitted to University hospitals and again treated by decompressing the distention by placing the nasogastric tube again. This time more extensive evaluation was done and it was determined that she actually had two partial obstructions, one in the small bowel and one in the rectal area. It was determined that both these obstructions were due to the bowel being involved in a probable malignant mass in the area. Our surgical cancer specialist at the University sat down with us today and told us that surgical intervention might give her some relief but the complications of the surgery would probably only allow her to live about two months. If we chose the minimal approach of placing a gastrostomy tube, that's a tube inserted through the abdominal wall into the stomach, she could very likely have six months. There is still the option of doing some more chemotherapy which may extend her life beyond six months. Today she had the gastrostomy tube placed and tomorrow her nasogastric tube will be removed and Sunday we plan to return home.

We desire your intervention with prayer, for at this point in time only our God can intervene with any success. Betty seems to be at peace with this decision and approach. Monday we will go see her chemotherapy oncologist and decide whether further infusion treatment will be tried.

Rest assured that I am doing well physically and I'm prepared to take care of her. I am doing as well as can be expected emotionally, experiencing considerable sadness and yes, even some puzzlement and anger (after all I’m only human) that this beautiful woman must go through this ordeal. Pray for us all (Deb & Sara too) to bear up under the stress and if you can find it in your faith, pray for the miracle of a cure. We have placed this in the hands of our Lord.


Dazzling sun beams bejewel the snow encrusted landscapes and the frozen crèche close to our front door grace the few days before Valentines, 2010. Isn’t the picture perfect? On Valentines we’re reminded that He has washed our sins whiter than snow and of course the most extraordinary perfect love gift of Jesus Christ has been given.

As I’m typing this little token of the appreciation Warren and I have for all of you, I’m imagining faces, kind gestures, loving notes, and it’s all overwhelming. Thank you for being an extension of His love.

You’ve been so generous in caring for us through my 2 week hospitalization. Warren has responded with his written view point. May I share with you how God so obviously worked from my perspective:
There is a bulletin board in each of the hospital rooms to remind us of priorities! When the medical team came in to introduce themselves to me, I asked them to turn around and tell me what was hilarious about the writing on my board. I introduced the answer by reminding them that this is a new year and many people advocate challenging goals for themselves. I explained that through the message on the board it’s my privilege to have my goals already determined by my nurse:
GOALS: 1. PASS GAS 2. B.M.’s 3. WALK. !!!
I had never seen a smile cross the face of the head of the surgery department, let alone see this almost embarrassed laugh coupled with his seeming attempt to back-peddle trying to explain what the nurse had in mind! I just burst out in laughter as we all relaxed with a terrific moment of escape. Who but God could give me such an introduction to an extremely tough 2 weeks? (When my ornery brother-in-law saw the goals, he chortled, “Well, you don’t want expectations that are too high!” )

God sprinkled more delight through our hours when on bleak dreary days I felt urged to encourage the sun to come out by wearing a sun bonnet out on my walks. I also wore it into the surgery room. (Our daughter responded with, “You’re kidding me!) (I’m still young enough to embarrass her!) It was so much fun to catch people off guard but especially when they said things like, “You look maarvelous, daarling!” Then who wouldn’t crack up? (Here I am with an NG tube snaking out of my nose so that curious children couldn’t help but stare and wonder what planet I could have come from!)
We’ve had exceptional care from the doctors, through the nurses, to those in maintenance, and in between. One nurse was extremely sensitive to me two evenings in a row as I could not sleep because of a very noisy roommate (we are talking inaudible guttural noises at night!) The nurse rubbed my back, called the doctors to see if I could have a sleeping pill, and gave me hot packs and ear plugs! I slept beautifully!

A lady who delivered beverages on the last day shared that she was from Nairobi, Kenya. When I explained that we had African sons, and then named them, she told me that she knew one of them and that he is back in Kenya now and that she’d give me her tele number so we could talk! All the above moments took me beyond the present to grasp more of the eternal God perspective that I so needed to keep Him and His promises uppermost in my thoughts.

On Friday of my last week our surgeon came in to tell us that I could not have the NG tube taken out because surgery wasn’t scheduled until Monday. My heart sank. It had been a long two weeks. My throat was sore from the tube and it was so hard to communicate. I looked at the doctor and I thought, “Oh, he is so exhausted.” I said to him, “Oh doctor, please take time to rest. Please take time away.” He looked at me like, “You mean someone cares about me?” I have no idea what happened after that, but someone soon came in and told me that there had been a change and that I was scheduled that afternoon for surgery after all. The NG tube came out the following morning. How I praised God!

A. Before Suffering:
1. Keep faithful to study to show yourselves approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word. II Tim. 2:15; We have everything for life and Godliness through the knowledge of Him. II Peter 1:3;

B. In Suffering:
1. You and I need the Biblical perspective- as in all of life. Keep faithful to study to show
yourselves approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing
the Word. If you’re hurting so much that you cannot concentrate well, ask someone to read
God’s Word and help you understand. “In the world you will have tribulation, but be of
good cheer, I have overcome the world. “ John 16:33

2. Give attention to Godly people and circumstances around you and respond Biblically to
them or ask them to help you think through the Biblical perspective you and I need. A
magazine was sent to us from Mission Frontiers totally focusing on Recapturing the Role of
Suffering before the weeks of hospitalization. I read the Biblical encouragement and when
God gave us a young medical student as part of our medical team at the U. who knows and
loves Jesus, I shared this magazine’s focus. He was so interested to receive one himself.
What a blessing as our Shepherd cares for so many details and encourages others at the same

3. Let God and see God surprise you with joy. Then pass it on!

C. Through the Fellowship of our Suffering? Phil 3:10-12
1. Could it mean to be involved with someone suffering no matter how inadequate you feel because Our Lord, the suffering servant is Sufficient?
2. Could it be essential to our growth and have a purpose far beyond what we could imagine? Job 42:5,6
3. Could it be to graciously ask when it’s convenient to visit the seriously ill , to send scripture that pours out God’s love, and or to call with caring words as so many of you have done?
4. Could it be that both the sufferers and those in the fellowship of our sufferings could learn practical and beautiful blessings God intends to share only in the crucible?

Beloved, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13
With love, Betty Scott alias Roadrunner: alias: now bionic bird!

Addendum: On the Thursday of my last week, God gave me a roommate the likes of which I’ve never had! When she spoke to her family, she spewed poison out of her mouth which of course got on her and contaminated the atmosphere. I don’t know when I’ve heard such a litany. Wow, what an opportunity but would she even receive, John Piper’s book on “For Your Joy”?

I kept praying that somehow God would soften her heart. By the time we were leaving on Sunday, her family had left and the TV on her side was quietly humming. I knocked on the wall, introduced myself with, “I do understand what you are going through. May I share this little book of encouragement?” Praise God she took it. When God brings us to mind please pray for this precious “Kelly” who desperately needs a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.

Pray that she understands that “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23 ; that “unless you repent you will all likewise perish. ”Luke 13:5; “God commended His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8, ;”Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13