Thursday, June 18, 2009

View From the Treehouse

T.A. in T.W (Today’s American in Today’s World)

Are Americans putting bandages on a hemorrhage?

“We have green, blue, bright orange or yellow bandages. Which would you prefer?” your physician seeks to console you with these words after telling your family that you have an aneurism that could burst at any moment.

Ridiculous, unconsciousable, unethical

Unlike the above mentioned and more important world of human suffering and consequences is one in the financial world. This potential financial hemorrhage in our nation is that of the secrecy of the Federal Reserve System. This private bank, independent of our government, that controls much of our economy has never been audited since its founding in 1913!

U.S. Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas) has introduced the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009 (Bill H.R. 1207), which would mandate an official audit of the Federal Reserve Bank. In addition, it will give the U.S. Congress increased oversight powers over the Fed, which, up to this point, has operated without any accountability to either Congress or the people. The bill already has 112 co-sponsors and is supported by many congressmen of both parties. See

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has projected that, “We must insure that all types of financial institutions, . . . receive strong and effective government oversight.” (USA Today Tuesday, April 14th, 2009 9A). Isn’t it beyond time that we the people tell him to live up to his own solutions by writing or calling our congress members to support this vital bill?


P.U.P. Whoopie, the C.T.Scan and physical exam has revealed that there is no perceivable cancer! It’s time for this confined person to break out of the
shelters and we have!

Late in May, friends from Minneapolis drove to Ames where we met them and began our weeks of celebrating mom’s 90tth birthday! Then friends from Arizona came to stay with us for three days, after which my brother from Nicaragua invaded our home. We then had to take him with us (he’s a real character and a delight) to celebrate our news, as well as our anniversary, and mom’s 90th birthday! It was one party after another for five days! At the surprise party held in the basement of the church mom is a charter member of, there were 64+ delightful people. Afterwards, people lined up around her table to share with her how much her life has meant to them. What a legacy she is leaving! Enjoy the pics!