Friday, May 15, 2009

View from the Treehouse:

T.A. in T.W. (Today's American in Today's World)

Are Americans putting bandages on a hemorrhage?

We in our beloved nation have been cut to the quick with the economic debacle. Perhaps it’s because this cut is actually a potentially devastating wound and we’re crying “who is in control, who is the point man or woman, or organization, or even who is accountable?”

Are we putting bandages on a hemorrhage? We’re throwing “tea parties” to protest Taxation w/o Representation and we’re demanding that some bank C.E.O’s are fired. "Bank of America (BofA) stripped CEO Kenneth Lewis of his chairman's role after the acquisition of Merrill Lynch and his choice of not telling the shareholders about it! Lewis says Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and then-Treasury Department chilf Henry Paulson pressured him to proceed with the purchase of Merrill Lynch-and to keep their losses secret-fearing the bad news would worsen an already deplorable economic climate. Lewis-who had already accepted some $20 billion in govt. bailout funds for BofA- remained silent. Shareholders learned about Merrill Lynch's end-of-year hemorrhaging after the sale closed and then watched BofA's stock value plummet." (World, pages 30-35, May 23rd, '09)
Continuing with troubling news releases, USA Today's editorial page of May 11th, '09 addresses the federal budget with the title "Obama, Congress go AWOL on fiscal responsibility". Who, American people, is in control?

In U.S.A. Today, April 14th, ’09, “Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, who perhaps has more influence than anyone on the U.S. economy. . .” STOP-Let me end this quote. How many of us have questioned, WHY is he in a position of such control? Probing further, is this organization audited, when did we the American people give them such power, when did this become a federal organization or has it ever been, and is there a reserve?

I double-dog dare ( as I dare myself) you who might read this to find answers to these questions?!! Google Federal Reserve System and discern for yourselves. Find out how little is known by looking in American History books!


P.U.P. (People Under Pressure-like all of us!)

Since, the last infusion of taxitere, I’ve had a "tuff" week. I’ve had the usual side-effects of flu symptoms, aching where I’ve had the shingles, and the neuropathy seemed to have totally invaded, but now is less of a problem. I told the doctor that it feels like I’m walking through a balance between Mississippi Mud and syrup! It makes for a very interesting gait! You know what, tho’, this is not unusual. I just am assured that the chemo is working. I have so much to be thankful for that I didn’t even want to include this. I only did this because some of you want to know what’s really going on!

People have been so terrific. Would you believe two young ladies prepared 4 dinners for us to have at our home while we have a couple of Kenyan sons stay with us for four days? One is bringing some of his family. We’re excited as another family has prepared the physical needs in our home as we prepare for company. What a blast we’ll have! They have terrific senses of humor-wish you all could meet them!


  1. Oh Betty, I'm sorry you've had a tough week. I'm just so sorry. I can't imagine how difficult it is during these times, but then I imagine God's grace completely surrounding you. Thank you for sharing, Betty. I love to know so that I can pray for you more effectively. And, pray for you - I so do! We do praise the Lord to hear that the chemo is working. Continuing to pray...


    P.S. It was so good to see you "through the window" on Sunday! I was making my way back to say hi to you, but I was "needed." I'll be back... ;o)

  2. Psalm 73:26, "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
